Siam School of High-Energy Physics 2022

20 - 26  NOVEMBER  2022  at  Centara Ao Nang Beach Resort & Spa,  Krabi

Invited Speakers
Important Dates


Participation and support

Conference Venue




            The Siam School of High-Energy Physics 2022, the 2nd edition of our international school on heavy-ion and particle physics, will be held in Krabi, Thailand, on November 21-25, 2022. The meeting will take place in "Centara Ao Nang Beach Resort & Spa, Krabi" and consist of five days of lectures, exercises, and lively discussions.
            The Siam School 2022 aims to bring together young physicists from East and Southeast Asia with international experts from various areas of high-energy physics. This year's topics include:
            ·    Experimental aspects of heavy-ion collisions
            ·    Theoretical aspects of heavy-ion collisions
            ·    Introduction to data analysis for high-energy physics
            ·    Introduction to hadron physics


            Chair: Prof. Dr. Marcus Bleicher (Goethe University Frankfurt)

            Co-Chair: Prof. Dr. Yupeng  Yan (SUT)

            Scientific secretary: Asst. Prof. Dr. Christoph  Herold (SUT)

            Organizing committee: Asst. Prof. Dr. Chinorat  Kobdaj, 

            Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayut  Limphirat, Asst. Prof. Dr. Khanchai  Khosonthongkee,

            Asst. Prof. Dr. Poemwai  Chainakun, Asst. Prof. Dr. Tirawut  Worrakitpoonpon,

            Dr. Warintorn  Sreethawong, Dr. Narongrit  Ritjoho

Invited Speakers:
    Prof. Dr. Marcus Bleicher (Goethe University Frankfurt)

           Prof. Dr. Christoph Blume (Goethe University Frankfurt)

           Dr. Benjamin Dönigus (Goethe University Frankfurt)

           Dr. Jan Steinheimer (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)

Important Dates:

            Deadline for application        :     October 25, 2022
            Notification of acceptance   :     October 28, 2022
            Deadline for registration       :     October 31, 2022


            November 20, 2022          :     Arrival at Krabi
            November 21-25, 2022    :     Lectures, Tutorials, Discussions
            November 26, 2022          :     Departure

Participation and support:

            We accept a limited number of 20 students with a clear interest in heavy-ion and hadron physics. To apply, please provide:
            • CV
            • Statement of interest (not exceeding one A4 page)
Combine your documents into one pdf file and send it via e-mail to, subject:
            "Application for Siam School of High-Energy Physics 2022 (your name)".
            Successful applicants will receive free accommodation including breakfast and lunch, plus airfare up to a maximum amount of 6,000 THB for non – Thai students and up to a maximum amount of 3,000 THB for Thai students.


            >>> Click Here <<<

Conference Venue:

            The school will be held at Centara Ao Nang Beach Resort & Spa, Krabi.            The hotel is located 18.9 km from Krabi airport, on the 2 km long main beach of      Ao Nang, located near a waterfront lined with bars, restaurants and shops. There are plenty of stunning places to swim nearby, including some of the most beautiful beaches in Thailand.



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