Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics with Specialization in the Mathematics of Finance

Professor Dr. Pairote Sattayatham
Risk and Control Lab, School of Mathematics, Institute of Science, email:

The School of Mathematics at Suranaree University of Technology offers a new track of its Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics with specialization in the mathematics of finance, in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics at Brunel University, Uxbridge, London, U.K. It draws on the diverse strengths of the two universities in

The instructional component of the program consists of eight courses, which can be taken over four semesters of full-time course work. Four of these are core courses. They are required to ensure students preparedness to begin research in the mathematics of finance. Students generally take the core courses in their first two semesters of residence. These core courses can be waived for students who have passed equivalent courses at other universities. Students are also required by the Mathematics Department to pass a Preliminary Examination, covering topics in the core courses. The core courses are the following:

The remaining four courses consist of Ph.D. seminars (3 credits) and three other courses to be selected from the following:

The program is suitable for bright students with degrees in mathematics, statistics, economics, and physical or engineering sciences, who wish to pursue a career in academic research or finance industry. Since this program is in collaboration with Brunel University, students will have a chance to do research in London for at least four months. Moreover, SUT will seek internships for students in major companies.

Director of the Program: Professor Dr. Prasart Seubka

The following faculty in the Department of Mathematics, all of whom have research interest in finance, are affiliated with the Ph.D. program in the mathematical finance.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prapasri Aswakun, Chair, School of Mathematics
(Financial Optimization, Numerical Analysis )

Professor Dr. Pairote Sattayatham
(Filtering in Finance, Optimal Control Theory) , HOMEPAGE

Assist. Prof. Dr. Arjuna Chaiyasena (Mathematics)
(Hidden Markov Model in Finance, Number Theory)

Professor Dr. T.H. Thao (Invited professor from Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam)
(Mathematical Finance, Stochastic Filtering Theory)

Current research interests of faculty include estimation of market parameters (by using filtering method), stochastic-calculus models of asset prices, and financial optimization.

Application Procedure

Application forms are available and all application materials can be downloaded from the university web site (English) and (Thai).  
Examination guideline (Thai).

Alternatively, you may write to:

Registration Division, Office of Admissions,
Suranaree University of Technology,
111 Universiy Avenue, Nakhon Ratchasima, 30000, Thailand.

Telephone request: 044 224315 or 089 5849868

Email correspondence:


Applicants should have a very good working knowledge of

Applicants should also have facility with a programming language such as C or C++.