About the School Print


The study and use of light plays an essential role in physics, engineering, chemistry, biology, medicine, communications and many more areas. Few disciplines have had as much impact on so many different fields. Some of the most precise tests of fundamental physics and its modern foundations employ light in an essential way. In particular, lasers have revolutionized technologies in diverse areas such as bar code readers, optical disks, optical fiber communications, optical internet, biomedical optics, etc. Therefore, optical scientists must have the versatility of a chameleon to move deftly across such a vast range of subjects.


M.Sc. and Ph.D Programs in SUT

The School of Laser Technology and Photonics offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs in Laser Technology. This interdisciplinary program offers courses in all aspects relating to theoretical and experimental optics and laser, providing a versatile and flexible preparation for a future career in science and technology.


Who are interested

It is a program ideally suited to those engineering bachelors who have a more physics-based interest and orientation in optics and laser and to those physics bachelors whose interest go beyond problems of fundamental scientific interest and extend to more applied areas.


Our research

Our teaching and research programs span the continuum that ranges from the very fundamentals to the very applied, from the generation to the detection of light, from the control to the manipulation of light. The goals of the School are twofold: to provide students with both theoretical and practical training and experience in optical science and engineering, and to conduct applied research in a number of different areas of optics and laser.



Last Updated on Saturday, 01 December 2012 07:50